Source code for tmon.tmon

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Main module."""

import contextlib
import datetime
import glob
import math
import pathlib
import signal
from subprocess import Popen, TimeoutExpired
import sys
import time
import tempfile
import textwrap

from tmon.asciichart import plot
from tmon.utils import eprint

[docs]class Monitor: def __init__(self): self.keep_running = True = None self.proc = None def _setup_signal_handlers(self): catchable_sigs = set(signal.Signals) - {signal.SIGKILL, signal.SIGSTOP} for sig in catchable_sigs: signal.signal(sig, self._signal_handler) def _signal_handler(self, sig, frame): if sig == signal.Signals.SIGCHLD: # tmon returns only when child process exits, i.e sends SIGCHLD # back to parent self.keep_running = False else: # all the other signals should be injected to the child process try: self.proc.send_signal(sig) except AttributeError: # Just in case a signal is sent before the process is spawned # or no child process was executed at all, i.e when tmon is run # with no arguments if sig == signal.Signals.SIGINT: self.keep_running = False def _start_timer(self): self.start = self.cdt = self.start.strftime("%Y%m%d@%Hh%Mm%S") def _stop_timer(self): self.period = str( - self.start).split('.')[0]
[docs] def start(self, args): self._setup_signal_handlers() self._start_timer() with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: if args: self.proc = stack.enter_context( Popen(args, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr) ) = stack.enter_context(tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( mode='w+', prefix="tmon-{}-".format(self.cdt), suffix=".txt", delete=False, buffering=1 )) while True: # do-while() loop to ensure it runs at least once tmp_files = glob.glob("/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/temp") tmps = [pathlib.Path(p).read_text().strip() for p in tmp_files]' '.join(tmps) + '\n')) if not self.keep_running: break time.sleep(1) ret = 0 if args: try: self.proc.communicate(timeout=5) except TimeoutExpired: self.proc.kill() self.proc.communicate() # we don't care about stdout/err ret = self.proc.returncode self._stop_timer() lines = pathlib.Path( self.ds = [max([float(t) for t in l.split(' ')])*0.001 for l in lines] return ret
[docs]class Report: """Temperature Reporter """ def __init__(self, ds, tfname, period, fahrenheit=False): self.ds = ds if not fahrenheit else [t*1.8 + 32 for t in ds] self.tfname = tfname self.period = period self.unit = "°F" if fahrenheit else "°C"
[docs] def header(self): return textwrap.dedent(""" =================== Temp Monitor Report """)
[docs] def footer(self): return textwrap.dedent(""" =================== """)
[docs] def chart(self, xsize, ysize, ylim): ds = self.ds ratio = int(len(ds) / xsize) if ratio > 1: ds = ds[::ratio] ret = "temp ({}) for a period of {}\n".format(self.unit, self.period) if len(ds) > 1: try: minimum, maximum = ylim except TypeError: minimum = math.floor(min(ds)) maximum = math.ceil(max(ds) + 0.1) else: minimum = min(minimum, math.floor(min(ds))) maximum = max(maximum, math.ceil(max(ds) + 0.1)) ret += plot(ds, { 'height': ysize - 1, 'minimum': minimum, 'maximum': maximum, }) else: ret = "" return ret
[docs] def stats(self): mi = round(min(self.ds), 1) av = round(sum(self.ds) / len(self.ds), 1) ma = round(max(self.ds), 1) ret = "min: {0} {3}\navg: {1} {3}\nmax: {2} {3}".format( mi, av, ma, self.unit ) return ret
[docs] def report(self, xsize, ysize, ylim): ret = self.header() + "\n" chart = self.chart(xsize, ysize, ylim) if chart != "": ret += textwrap.indent(self.chart(xsize, ysize, ylim), ' ') ret += "\n\n" ret += textwrap.indent(self.stats(), ' ') + "\n\n" ret += textwrap.indent("raw: " + self.tfname, ' ') ret += self.footer() return ret
[docs]def run( cmd=None, xsize=70, ysize=15, ylim=None, fahrenheit=False, stats_only=False, chart_only=False, path_only=False ): monitor = Monitor() ret = monitor.start(cmd) ds, tfname, period = monitor.ds,, monitor.period report = Report(ds, tfname, period, fahrenheit=fahrenheit) if stats_only: eprint('\n' + report.stats()) elif chart_only: eprint('\n' + report.chart(xsize, ysize, ylim)) elif path_only: eprint('\n' + tfname) else: eprint(, ysize, ylim)) return ret